Lambda Hello World

I was recently checking Lambda expressions out to ensure the forthcoming JCache spec would work well with them. I just wanted a really simple example that worked through the different syntactical forms and ended up putting a Hello World type example myself.

 * Hello world!
public class App {
  static void print(Something something) {
    System.out.println(something.doSomeThing("Hello World"));
  interface Something {
    String doSomeThing(String word);
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    print(new Something() {
      public String doSomeThing(String word) {
        return word.concat(" - it is no fun to AnonymousInnerClass");
    //expression form. No return
    print((String s) -> s.concat(" = it is fun to Lambda"));
    //block. Need return as interface method has return.
    print((String s) -> {return s.concat(" = it is fun to Lambda");});
    //expression. No type required as Interface defines it.
    print((s) -> s.concat(" = it is fun to Lambda"));
    //creating a concrete instance of a functional interface via assignment
    Something something = (s) -> s.replace("the", "thee");
    System.out.println(something.doSomeThing("What the!"));
    java.util.function.Predicate predicate = new