Hazelcast Maven Repository URL Change

We are announcing a change to Hazelcast’s Maven repository URL from repository-hazelcast-l337.forge.cloudbees.com (old) to repository.hazelcast.com (new). This change is due to the end-of-life of our current infrastructure effective 31st January 2019. After that, the old Maven repository becomes unavailable.

Who is affected?

The change affects only customers of Hazelcast Enterprise downloading the builds via Maven repository. Customers who downloaded the builds via our website (e.g., ZIP or TAR files) are not affected. Users of Hazelcast Open Source are not affected at all.


We migrated the whole Maven repository to a new place. The only action users must take is to update the URL of the Maven repository to:repository.hazelcast.com. To be specific, user has to change in the dependency management (e.g. Maven pom.xml) this section:

Old URL:

    <id>Hazelcast Private Snapshot Repository</id>
    <id>Hazelcast Private Release Repository</id>

New URL:

    <id>Hazelcast Private Snapshot Repository</id>
    <id>Hazelcast Private Release Repository</id>

To summarize, the only change needed is to substitute “repository-hazelcast-l337.forge.cloudbees.com” with “repository.hazelcast.com” in the dependency management system configuration.

We hope that this change won’t cause any inconveniences and thank you for your understanding.