Broke 10,000 Views – I Have Some People to Thank

This may be a small amount to some people but I don’t care. As of now, My blog has broke the 10,000 view mark. I started this blog in 2010 but the number of views were small and I might have gotten 300 views in two years. Since I got serious about keeping this blog up in 2013, I have gone from that small 300 to 10,000 in two years!

I do like to thank my followers who have, I think, get to wait an unknown amount of time for original posts to come out. I do have some organizations to thank too. Without them, I would not have been able to do this. I discovered recently that Hazelcast has been re-blogging my posts no matter what I put up. I also would like to thank Java Code Geeks for noticing me and wanting me to become one of their partners. Java Code Geeks have been posting even some of my “garbage” posts.

Well, that is it. Expect another thank you at 20,000.